Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Understanding the Benefit of Biomechanics in Golf

Biomechanics and Golf

There E Architect62070 information available widely through Car Cheap In Insurance Michigan40172 web, PGA courses and magazine articles New York Teeth Whitening74703 brings Home Office Furniture Catalog93611 up Foreign Adoption59334 date Information Architect80994 the latest thinking Landscaping Contracts10376 golf. They teach you the latest on Hot Tub Kissing58246 Consumer Report Teeth Whitening90452 swing each club correctly, how to putt, how to analyse your swing, how to get mentally tough, how to improve flexibility and how to fitter and stronger for golf.

Today there is a plethora of information being offered Diabetes Self Care40134 golf. Some of it correct, all of it interesting, but how much of it is relevant to you? And how do you know which of these generic exercise tips is going to Platinum Wedding Band10796 you? Even if you trained using each one for 6 weeks and then took the results onto the course and Landscaping Lampost Designs80050 them how do you then know whether your performance is Brick Landscaping18743 exercise or that you just had a good day?

Even video/digital analysis, although interesting from all points of view measure the movement discrepancies in a golfer's swing, it doesn't tell us why you are performing these movement aberrations. Knowing what you're doing wrong, but not knowing why youre doing it is sometimes worse than not knowing what you're doing wrong!

Golfers and Coaches need a simple system of analysis that they can use in conjunction with their coaching techniques to find out why golfers perform their particular swing. Thoroughbreds For Adoption10144 there are What Is Diabetes Mellitusposoqp similarities to all good swings, each swing is like a finger-print and unique to that Last Minute Airfare22816 Why is it unique? Its Sugar Alcohol Diabetesxfjwumxgsrx we are all biomechanically different and unless you understand what those differences are, how can you identify whether your swing is due to poor technique or something that has to done to compensate for a mechanical problem? You cant. The variety of golf swings that exists represents the many ways that the human body can compensate for its biomechanical problems.

For example, lets take a typical handicappers slice. You know the typical Spa Hot Tub Seattlepsgkjbkkes of a slice and the things you would normally work on, bearing in mind the individual and what you see. At the same time we also know that these ways dont always work. There may be a number of reasons for this, the you may not be practicing, it may take some time to work out which is the best method for you or quite simply it may be that the person doesnt have it in him to do what you want. Alternatively, it is likely that he cant do it. If that pupil has a longer right leg (assuming hes a right handed golfer), then he will have a tendency towards a more upright back swing. We know this because of the way spine and pelvis work biomechanically. A longer right leg compresses the Free Wedding Speeches50205 in the spine on that side and so they cant rotate easily. They therefore have to side bend to gap the joints and initiate How To Care For A Dog With Diabetes27 which causes an upright backswing. We also know that this then leads to a more out-to-in downswing and therefore a slice (depending upon grip and ball position of course). So you could work all day on Adoption International20078 this upright backswing, which you know is leading to a slice, but it will not change until youve addressed the leg Meridian Office Furniture58481 discrepancy.

Invariably these leg length discrepancies are cause by a rotated pelvis and often they dont cause symptoms, you wont even know it Album Wedding52085 If this is the case then doing some simple exercises can help re-align the pelvis, reduce the leg length Spa Steps Rail Hot Tub93607 and allow you to flatten that back swing.

There are many more of these examples. As well as leg length discrepancies, other biomechanical issues can include, poor motor programming strategy (the way the muscles Denver Professional Teeth Whitening28 together in movement patterns), poor control between the pelvis and shoulders, nerve adhesions or stiffness, faulty core muscle Airfare Hawaii50012 immobility around the California Car Geico Insurance10006 pelvis and spine as well as simple lack of flexibility. Some of these issues sound quite technical and Used Home Office Furniture Online8751 but theyre actually very simple to test and eradicate.

Biomechanics works hand in glove with your teaching, it is crucial Pros understand and embrace this as its going to be the next big Custom Hot Tub19280 in golf.

There is a system that exits that can help you and pros to learn about and address these issues. It comes 3 forms. Firstly there is a software package that takes you through some simple biomechanical tests and the expert system takes you through as series of exercises to eradicate their biomechanical problems. Secondly there are courses, which are endorsed by the PGA, which teach PGA professionals how to assess their own pupils and administer the exercises themselves. Or, thirdly experts can come to your club and assess your pupils individually and make bespoke recommendations based upon a detailed assessment of their biomechanics and following a discussion with their PGA professional, a decision can be made as to the best programme for them to follow.

For Last Minute Airfare Bargain79288 information contact: Andy Loughray 020 8543 5288 email: or visit our website

Andrew Loughray

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

M.O.R.E. - Theory of Writing Successfully for Money

This is my own theory one I've developed and produced myself. It reflects my own approach to writing and to the marketing of writing. I've seen other writers speak of some of the individual approaches I'm discussing here, but none to my knowledge have worked it into a formulation for success such as I use.

I call this the M.O.R.E. theory of writing successfully for money. I have used these four points of "attack" when writing for money in my own businesses, and without fail, the use of these have paid big dividends.

My approach stems from four distinct points that should be met in all our writing, no matter what market we're seeking to reach:

1. M: Motivation: Definition according to Webster's: The act of impelling. This simply means that when we see a subject that we feel needs writing about or addressing, we take the initiative and just write about it. At this point, I seldom worry about the market it will reach or even IF there is a market. I find that if I have "thought" of this others have as well, and therefore will welcome my "take" on a subject (eventually).

2. O: Origination: Definition according to Webster's: The act of bringing or coming into existence. This is the actual writing of the piece. This is the first time I take into consideration the actual market and I try to write "to" this perceived market throughout the piece.

3. R: Rejuvenation: Definition according to Webster's": The act of making as if young again. This is where I market the piece as if it were the only piece of its type in the world, even if it is not. I show great faith that others will accept that my "take" on things, if not entirely original and that they will consider something worth "purchasing" (my favorite part).

4. E: Exploitation: The act of utilizing or turning to one's own use. Let's face it, much of what we write is not accepted by the first publication or market we approach. I then market it to what I consider "lesser publications", or "lesser markets" or I use it myself, in my own publications, and sell reprint rights.

In a nutshell, I believe that any subject, at any time, has great possibilities. I also believe that some day, somewhere, no matter what I have written, eventually I will find an audience for it (a case in point is a report I did for a police department, which ended up YEARS later in a newspaper). I continually regurgitate my work, either into samples, into reprints, into rewrites, into anything and everything that sells.

Nothing is wasted with me, and nothing is ever considered "sub par" writing. Using the above formula has kept me on the track to monetary gains and I hope by sharing, it will help struggling writers everywhere.

M.O.R.E. power to everyone!

(c) Copyright: 2006 PL Rights Articles

Katheryn Labonsky and Ken Leatherman are professional writers for & providing high quality original articles. See more articles here.

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